TCM Acupuncture: A Treatment for Back Pain, Fertility & Weight Loss?
Traditional Chinese Medicine is one of the oldest traditional medical practice around the world. It originated in ancient China and has been around for thousands of years. At first, people were skeptic about this particular type of healing process; but as TCM started gaining its popularity, it eventually got accepted by the general public. One of the most famous methods of TCM is the acupuncture treatment. The practice of acupuncture treatment was derived from the belief or theory that there is energy flowing within the human body, an energy that can be channeled to help relieve pain, create balance and improve health. This energy was named “qi”. In the acupuncture theory, it is believed that the “qi” moves throughout the body by the gentle insertion and stimulation of thin, disposable sterile needles at strategic points which are called the acupuncture points. There are over 2,000 acupuncture points on the human body, and these points are said to be connected to the 12 main...