Important Principles For Designing An Effective Website

As we can see, technology is evolving so fast and it continuously grows as time passes by. Because of the rapid change in the modern world, people’s lifestyle has also evolved becoming more reliant to technology. From simple entertainment, daily communication, informative researches, and product purchases, people keep on running straight to the internet to get whatever they need, whenever they want.

In a view of this fact, I guess it is easier to understand that having an online presence is really important nowadays. This is true for both artificial and natural beings. If you haven’t noticed, online presence is not only important to business but to an individual person as well. People create personal profile for themselves in order to communicate and interact in the big World Wide Web. They spend so much time curating their timeline and building their image online in order to meet new people, gain attention, speak their mind, and attract positive opportunities.

The same happens to artificial beings like businesses, brands, organizations and corporations. However, the competition in this industry is tougher and not as subtle as the competition that happens to individual persons who is not aware that most social media accounts that they have is like the digital version of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution where the fittest survives.

Business can also create social media profile to broadcast their online presence. However, unlike an individual person, social media is not enough for establishing a strong digital profile. They also need to have their own website. By having their own website, they can increase trust worthiness of their brand because people believe that a business or organization is not a hoax it has its own website. It can also help you reach wider audience. It will help you reach those who uses the search engines for their queries.

Just like a properly curated social media profile, an effective website design in Singapore also has its core principles which are the following:
  • Clarity of purpose - People go online for different purposes. Therefore, your website should clearly identify its purpose to cater the specific needs of the users. Are you building a website for entertainment? Are you selling some products? What are these products? Are you a club that looks for new members with same goals? Make your Singapore web design straightforward.
  • Convey the right message - People in the internet tend to have short attention span. That’s why conveying the right message in a website design is very important. An effective web design company here in Singapore knows how to organize your message properly by using headings, sub-headings, bullets, and concise phrases.
  • Typefaces & Colors - Each typeface and color carries its own unique personality. Use typefaces and colors that is in line with your brand. Avoid mixing too many colors and typefaces for a more curated look. Consistency is the key.
  • Place Appropriate Pictures - Nowadays, users are becoming more visuals. Since they have shorter attention span, they might only read few sentences and pay more attention to pictures so be sure to place some. Placing appropriate and catchy pictures can also make them stay longer in your website since they are proven to delay the users from leaving quickly.
  • Navigation - Navigation is all about how easily people can move around your website just like accessing different pages. For a more effective navigation strategy you can use clickable buttons, breadcrumbs, logical page hierarchy, and following the “three click” rule.
  • Use grid-based layouts & “F” pattern design - Grid based layouts is just organizing your content into boxes, columns, & sections, columns that line up and feel balanced. On the other hand, the “F” pattern design placing your contents accordingly to the natural tracking flow of the eye which is from top to bottom, and from left to right.
  • Have a faster load time - People hate it when a website takes so much time to load so make sure to compress your page weight for a faster load time.
  • Always remember to be mobile friendly - Most people nowadays carry technology in their pockets through their smartphones. So don’t forget to make your website mobile friendly as well.


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